Who can Play: Any established Everglades APA player who increased in Skill Level during the calendar year.

Format: 8-Ball and 9-Ball played separately
Standard APA
Structure: Single Modified Elimination
 How Much to Play: $10 green fee per player
How to Register: Text the keyword "MOVIN" to 561-320-2225


Who can Play: Any active Female Everglades APA player

Format: Rules: APA Standard 8-Ball Doubles

Rules: APA Standard 8-Ball Doubles

Structure: Double Elimination

How Much to Play: FREE $100 ADDED

Winner(s) Receives: 50/30/20 Split

How to Register: Text the keyword "LADIES" to 561-320-2225

 Banking Tournament

Who can Play: Any active Everglades APA players

Format: APA Standard 9-Ball

Rules: Every shot must be a Called Bank

Structure: Double Elimination

How Much to Play: $10 per player

Winner(s) Receives: 50/30/20 Split
 How to Register: Text keyword "BANK" to 561-320-2225

Who can Play: Any active Everglades APA players

Format: 64-Backet, Round every Week

Rules: APA Standard 9-Ball

Structure: Single Elimination

How Much to Play: $10 per player (first round), $5 every additional round, $500 ADDED

Winner(s) Receives: Final Four each receives a Singles Bracket, 1st Place also receives a Final Four Championship Jacket and $50 Cash  
 How to Register: Text keyword "MADNESS" to 561-320-2225


Baseball Billiards Tournament

 Who can Play: Any active Everglades APA players

Format: "Baseball Pocket Billiards" via Wikipedia

Rules: "Baseball Pocket Billiards" via Wikipedia

Structure: Double Elimination

How Much to Play: $10 per players

Winner(s) Receives: 50/30/20 Split

How to Register: Text the keyword "BASEBALL" to 561-320-2225


Appreciation Tournament

 Who can Play: Any Captain or Co-Captain from the 2022-23 League Year

Format: Blind Draw Scotch Doubles

Rules: APA Standard 8-Ball Doubles

Structure: Double Elimination

How Much to Play: FREE $500 ADDED

Winner(s) Receives: 50/30/20 Split

How to Register: Text the keyword "AHOY" to 561-320-2225


Max 8 Doubles Tournament

 Who can Play: Any active Everglades APA player

Format: Scotch Doubles with SL Limit of 8 combined

Rules: APA Standard 9-Ball Doubles

Structure: Double Elimination

How Much to Play: $20 per player

Winner(s) Receives: 50/30/20 Split

How to Register: Text the keyword "MAX 8" to 561-320-2225

 BEST of the BEST Tournaments

Who can Play: Any player that qualified by finishing in the top 4 of a skill tier during a session this league year. Must have the minimum of 20 lifetime matches in that format.
Rules and structure: Singles by Everglades skill level tier. Download full rules by clicking button above. 
How Much to Play: Players pay only $10 each!
Winner Receives: Best of the Best Plaque and Complimentary Single Board with qualification to Regionals.
Those qualified will be listed on the home page in June 

Sharking Tournament

 Who can Play: Any active Everglades APA player

Format: APA Standard 8-Ball

Rules: Each opponent must complete a "Sharking" task during each opponent shot at the table. Acts must be "PG" or "PG-13" rated, No "R"!

Structure: Double Elimination

How Much to Play: $20 per player

Winner(s) Receives: 50/30/20 Split

How to Register: Text the keyword "SHARK" to 561-320-2225

 Everglades Cash Cup Team Tournament

Who can Play: Any runner-up teams from the World Qualifier original roster
Format: Team Captains Format
 Rules: APA Standard Masters Rules
Structure: Double Elimination
 How Much to Play: $200 per team, $500 added

Winners Receives: 50/30/10/10 Pot Split
 How to Register: Text keyword "CUP" to 561-320-2225

 Who can Play: Local Open Tournament, Welcome All! 
Format: 9-Ball
 Rules: U.S. Amateur
Structure: Double Elimination
How Much to Play: Players entry is $60 each, $40 to pot $20 to cancer, $500 added
Winner Receives: Pot pays Top 8
How to Register: Text the keyword "2ND BASE" to 561-320-2225



Broomstick Tournament

  Who can Play: Local Open Tournament, Welcome All! 
Format: APA Standard 8-Ball
 Rules: Must use rounded end of a broomstick to shot
Structure: Double Elimination
 How Much to Play: $20 per player

Winners Receives: 50/30/10 Pot Split

                How to Register: Text keyword "BROOM" to 561-320-2225
 Prostate Cancer Benefit Tournament
Who can Play: Local Open Tournament, Welcome All! 
Format: 8-Ball
Rules: U.S. Amateur
Structure: Double Elimination
How Much to Play: Players entry is $60 each, $40 to pot $20 to cancer
Winner Receives: Pot pays Top 8
How to Register: Text the keyword "CANCER" to 561-320-2225


Toys for Tots! Benefit

Who can Play: Any active Everglades APA player

Format: Adult and a Junior, no limit, handicaped

APA Standard 9-Ball Doubles

Structure: Double Elimination

How Much to Play: "NEW" Wrapped Toy - $500 ADDED

Winner(s) Receives: 50/30/20 Split

How to Register: Text the keyword "TOYS" to 561-320-2225


 Key West Invitational Team Tournament

Who can Play: Any roster of up to 8 active players with 20 or more matches played in the last 2 years in the 8-Ball format.

Format: APA Standard 8-Ball

 Rules: APA Standard 8-Ball

Structure: Single Modified Elimination

 How Much to Play: $200 per team

Winner(s) Receives: Represent Everglades APA in the Key West Challenge
 How to Register: Text keyword "KEYS" to 561-320-2225