Go to Membership services and click on Claim Your Account. On the next page, enter the information requested. Be sure to type your member number and your name exactly as it is on your membership card. You will be asked to create a password. Then type in your email address (be sure to set any email spam blockers to allow mail from poolplayers.com). An email with a link will be sent to the email address you provide. Click on the link and the setup process will be complete.
Match Requirements
A player on the team must have played 4 matches on that team within the session
Everglades Cup:
A player on any active team must have 10 match scores in their respective format (8-ball or 9-ball) in the past 2 years
4 on the team during Spring Session AND 10 actual league match scores in the format in which he is advancing and must be attained by the end of the spring session in the league year corresponding to the Team Championship in which the player is advancing.
National Doubles:
20 actual match scores in their respective format in the past 2 years