As in any team sport, there is always a need for leaders to step up and help organize, motivate, and hopefully lead other team members to victory. Our League's Team Captains and Co-Captains are considered these leaders. It is not always an easy job because they are ultimately responsible for their team as a whole. Although it can sometimes be stressful, being able to take and unify a group of players into a team, then lead them to victory is an accomplishment to be proud of.
Leadership of a team comes with certain responsibilities which include staying up-to-date with the current APA rules and our local Bylaws. Since our APA League continues to grow and evolve, some rules and league methods will tend to change as well. Session Meetings are where we discuss any current issues and/or any upcoming local or national changes in our league.
ALL Everglades APA players are welcome to attend this meeting. You do NOT have to be a Team Captain or Co-Captain. Attending these meetings will keep you up-to-date with any upcoming changes to our league and also allow you to provide your own valuable input.
 Wednesday. December 20th @ BC Billiards